Sunday, August 23, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
she's quick!
also, my mom reads my blog!
we went for a run today and did really well... made it to the stop sign. i clearly get my athletic abilities from her! anyway... we're lean mean running machines.
we went for a run today and did really well... made it to the stop sign. i clearly get my athletic abilities from her! anyway... we're lean mean running machines.
this is real.
one of my best childhood friends, molly mcgowen is engaged to sam krause! i could not be more excited for the two of them. sam did an amazing job proposing to molly in her favorite place in the world, nantucket, ma. she called me a few times last week and when i called her back the first thing i said was, "molly mcgowen... are you engaged?".... she was. :]
after an hour phone conversation, so i could get all the details my face hurt because i don't think i stopped smiling once!
anyway, my life as of now consists of ONE more day of work as a waitress... for the rest of my life? maybe. weird. i am also on craigslist 24/7 looking for a bike that suits me for once in my life. i am doing laundry and organizing my cluttered & messy room [to me is seems cluttered... to anyone else in the world it would seem perfectly organized and picked up] i have to be sure i am ready for my great migration back down south... because this time i am starting my senior year in a week and a few days. yikes!
i'm looking forward to the week before school starts. first of all i get to see my lovely housemates! shout out to reba, i'm coming for you--- its been FAR to long. and hannuh! i'm looking forward to watching goofy miley videos... and now taylor swift remakes! i get to go on a leadership retreat with intervarsity, and i think God is going to really use it to give me even more excitement & understanding about this year and leading my small group without cammi. next i get to maybe see my friend carolyn for a day or two. THEN i get to be reunited with muh gurrrll eileen when she stays with me for a few days! [she is playing a show for the new jmu kids-- and will be in harrisonburg from tuesday-thursday!] NEXT! i get to see my main man on wednesday evening! it seems like its been forever since i've seen him last, even though its only been about 2 weeks. in the meantime on monday i will be starting orientation preparations with REACH, we are putting on a show for the new students on thursday afternoon, the same day HAYYYLLEEEEYYY comes to the house! yeesss!!!
anyway.. who knows what i will do with the rest of the week, maybe mentally prepare for school. alright.
after an hour phone conversation, so i could get all the details my face hurt because i don't think i stopped smiling once!
anyway, my life as of now consists of ONE more day of work as a waitress... for the rest of my life? maybe. weird. i am also on craigslist 24/7 looking for a bike that suits me for once in my life. i am doing laundry and organizing my cluttered & messy room [to me is seems cluttered... to anyone else in the world it would seem perfectly organized and picked up] i have to be sure i am ready for my great migration back down south... because this time i am starting my senior year in a week and a few days. yikes!
i'm looking forward to the week before school starts. first of all i get to see my lovely housemates! shout out to reba, i'm coming for you--- its been FAR to long. and hannuh! i'm looking forward to watching goofy miley videos... and now taylor swift remakes! i get to go on a leadership retreat with intervarsity, and i think God is going to really use it to give me even more excitement & understanding about this year and leading my small group without cammi. next i get to maybe see my friend carolyn for a day or two. THEN i get to be reunited with muh gurrrll eileen when she stays with me for a few days! [she is playing a show for the new jmu kids-- and will be in harrisonburg from tuesday-thursday!] NEXT! i get to see my main man on wednesday evening! it seems like its been forever since i've seen him last, even though its only been about 2 weeks. in the meantime on monday i will be starting orientation preparations with REACH, we are putting on a show for the new students on thursday afternoon, the same day HAYYYLLEEEEYYY comes to the house! yeesss!!!
anyway.. who knows what i will do with the rest of the week, maybe mentally prepare for school. alright.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
movie reminders!
1. i will see this:
[October 16th]
2. must see this because it was one of my favorite books as a kid: [September 18th]
3. and last but not least, i will drag my whole house (at midnight) to the opening night of this one: [November 20th]
and i also want to see Lovely Bones if i can work up the courage.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
hot hot hot.
we don't have air conditioning in my house, and it is hot & humid. when you wake up to (or imagine) the music you hear in old western movies because the characters are in the desert and they are in the process of experiencing mirages, you know its hot.... at least there is a breeze, and at least i will be in air conditioning at work today.
my life has been wonderful for the past 20 years--- but especially this past week. God has blessed me immensely by putting amazing people in my life. first, my sister & her husband, who allowed me to stay over at they're apartment on saturday night so it would be easier to catch my 4:51am train on sunday. i woke up promptly at 3:47am, and called for a cab which arrived no later than 4:05am and was en route to 30th street station by 4:12am. THANKS talkative ALBANIAN CAB DRIVER!!! I then made a friend by 4:30am in the McDonalds line, ate my mcmuffin and slept on the train until david called me at 9:00am. I read a little bit of The Reason For God, but mostly slept. I did however see Ashburn a cute little town where the train run directly through the center street. I made it to Newport News, VA a 1/2 hour early, and David picked me up at 12! It was so great to see him, i missed him so much especially since i hadn't seen him in a little over a month! we had so much fun watching fawlty towers, hanging out with his parents, reading calvin and hobbes, going to the library, going to happy hour at sonic and getting cherry limeade, and going to the park. he also taught me how to drive stick, and i feel so accomplished now!
on tuesday afternoon, after hanging out in portsmouth, david drove me to paige's dad's house.
i then spent tuesday night up until the day of the wedding with paige and had a blast. on tuesday we had dinner with megan and her dad, and then went to her and jay's new condo, it was sweet. we worked on setting up her appliances, and just catching up... until 2:30am.
on wednesday i woke up hoping hayley was already on her way to VA beach... sure enough she was. basically as soon as she got to paige's house we left for the beach-- fun! it rained, so we left and went to sonic- yum. come to think of it wednesday was a ice cream day because later in the day we drove to williamsburg to meet katie for sno2go. that was aaalllrrriiigghhhttt... :]
it was great to see katie and go to yankee candle. after being stuck in traffic for abut 2 hours on the way back to paige's we met joy, who is awesome! on thursaday we did a ton of wedding things, and had the bachelorette party which was a balst. on friday we had lunch with paige's mom and then had the rehearsal and the dinner.
on the big day we woke up and had breakfast, the got ready. everything went so well! it was so apparent God really blessed Jay & Paige with great weather, and was so present throughout the whole day. i know He will continue to bless them with a beautiful marriage, and i am so happy for the two of them.
later on saturday my parents and i went over to the richard's house for dinner. we had hamburgers, and ended up talking into the late hours of the night. it was so fun to have them together finally, and we had a great time. my mom, dad and i drove home on sunday... and i started back at work after a beach trip with my brothers on monday.
all in all my week was excellent! i now have to complete one more week at work before heading back to VA for school.
one more thing, i am making this face because when i go to work with these nails, i feel like a diva. here is a photo of my wonderful REAL nails i got done for paige's wedding:
on friday i am taking these nails to my grandparents house up in Canada, try and stop me!
my life has been wonderful for the past 20 years--- but especially this past week. God has blessed me immensely by putting amazing people in my life. first, my sister & her husband, who allowed me to stay over at they're apartment on saturday night so it would be easier to catch my 4:51am train on sunday. i woke up promptly at 3:47am, and called for a cab which arrived no later than 4:05am and was en route to 30th street station by 4:12am. THANKS talkative ALBANIAN CAB DRIVER!!! I then made a friend by 4:30am in the McDonalds line, ate my mcmuffin and slept on the train until david called me at 9:00am. I read a little bit of The Reason For God, but mostly slept. I did however see Ashburn a cute little town where the train run directly through the center street. I made it to Newport News, VA a 1/2 hour early, and David picked me up at 12! It was so great to see him, i missed him so much especially since i hadn't seen him in a little over a month! we had so much fun watching fawlty towers, hanging out with his parents, reading calvin and hobbes, going to the library, going to happy hour at sonic and getting cherry limeade, and going to the park. he also taught me how to drive stick, and i feel so accomplished now!
on tuesday afternoon, after hanging out in portsmouth, david drove me to paige's dad's house.
i then spent tuesday night up until the day of the wedding with paige and had a blast. on tuesday we had dinner with megan and her dad, and then went to her and jay's new condo, it was sweet. we worked on setting up her appliances, and just catching up... until 2:30am.
on wednesday i woke up hoping hayley was already on her way to VA beach... sure enough she was. basically as soon as she got to paige's house we left for the beach-- fun! it rained, so we left and went to sonic- yum. come to think of it wednesday was a ice cream day because later in the day we drove to williamsburg to meet katie for sno2go. that was aaalllrrriiigghhhttt... :]
it was great to see katie and go to yankee candle. after being stuck in traffic for abut 2 hours on the way back to paige's we met joy, who is awesome! on thursaday we did a ton of wedding things, and had the bachelorette party which was a balst. on friday we had lunch with paige's mom and then had the rehearsal and the dinner.
on the big day we woke up and had breakfast, the got ready. everything went so well! it was so apparent God really blessed Jay & Paige with great weather, and was so present throughout the whole day. i know He will continue to bless them with a beautiful marriage, and i am so happy for the two of them.
later on saturday my parents and i went over to the richard's house for dinner. we had hamburgers, and ended up talking into the late hours of the night. it was so fun to have them together finally, and we had a great time. my mom, dad and i drove home on sunday... and i started back at work after a beach trip with my brothers on monday.
all in all my week was excellent! i now have to complete one more week at work before heading back to VA for school.
one more thing, i am making this face because when i go to work with these nails, i feel like a diva. here is a photo of my wonderful REAL nails i got done for paige's wedding:

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